How can we help you today?
Read the below COVID-19 reports relating to general practices, Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations, General Practice Respiratory Clinics, pharmacies, and Residential Aged Care Facilities.
Since February 2020, general practice has underpinned Australia’s response to COVID-19. At NQPHN, we have been privileged to collaborate with the primary care sector during the COVID-19 pandemic response.
The COVID-19 GP, ACCHOs, and GP-led Respiratory Clinics Response Review (Feb 2020-June 2022) is an opportunity for NQPHN to say thank you to the general practices, Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs), and other primary care providers for the dedication and hard work they have provided to help northern Queenslanders stay safe and live happier, healthier, longer lives during the pandemic.

Since March 2020, pharmacies have helped underpin Australia’s response to COVID-19.
At Northern Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN), we have been privileged to collaborate with the pharmacy sector during the COVID-19 pandemic response.
The COVID-19 Pharmacy Response Review – North Queensland (March 2020-June 2022) is an opportunity for NQPHN to recognise pharmacists and their staff for the dedication and hard work they have provided to help northern Queenslanders stay safe and live happier, healthier, longer lives during the pandemic.

Since March 2020, residential aged care facility (RACH) staff have helped underpin Australia’s response to COVID-19.
At Northern Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN), we have been privileged to collaborate with Residential Aged Care Home (RACH) staff during the COVID-19 pandemic response.
Residents of RACHs are at increased risk of COVID-19 infection and are more vulnerable to serious complications if they do become infected.
This review is an opportunity for NQPHN to recognise RACHs and their staff for the dedication and hard work they have provided to support our older northern Queenslanders stay safe and live happier, healthier, longer lives during the pandemic.
Read the full report here.